The 17 Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations are urgent call to action by all countries to bring peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
Neighbourhood and community houses and centres across Australia work towards these goals everyday. From food parcel programs to outreach programs to disadvantaged members of our community.
The Ballarat East Neighbourhood House is working towards the following Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG #1: No Poverty
Our Winter Woollies group provide knitted goods (hats, beanies, scarves, slippers, blankets and toys) to those in need.
SDG #2: Zero Hunger
We run cooking classes to help people learn how to cook their own meals.
SDG #3: Good Health and Wellbeing
We aim to promote positive health and wellbeing to our community members through initiatives such as Chatty Wednesdays, Playgroup, Watercolours, Drawing Group, Winter Woollies and the Wellbeing Scripts project. We also have a Wednesday Walking Group.
SDG #5: Gender Equality
The Ballarat East Neighbourhood House is a member of the Women's Health Grampian's program, CORE - Communities of Respect and Equality. We are working together to ensure our organisation supports the vision of safe, equal and respectful communities.
SDG #10: Reduced Inequalities
Through the Be Connected program, funded by the Australian Government through The Good Things Foundation, we offer free of charge digital skills training to people aged 50 and older, helping to bridge the digital divide.
SDG # 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Through the Ballarat East Community News, the Ballarat East Neighbourhood House is helping to create a connected, informed and reslient local community.
SDG # 15: Life on Land
The Ballarat East Neighbourhood House is working towards this goal through working in collaboration with the Waterwatch Victoria program and hosting a water quality testing kit.