pexels cliff booth 4056723 smallJoin us for Gentle Yoga

REGISTER NOW - Term 1, 2025

Gentle yoga with lots of options so you can move at your own pace.

No experience needed, come along and experience this calming and joyful practice with Kate.

Stay on for a coffee and chat afterwards in the onsite cafe (from 10am).


Courses - Term 1, 2025

7.45 am - 8.45 am, Fridays from 31 January 2025, Eureka Centre - REGISTER NOW 

9.00 am - 10.00 am, Fridays from 31 January 2025, Eureka Centre - REGISTER NOW - Limited places remaining, contact us to put your name on the waiting list if the class fills.


A class-set of Yoga mats is available. However, you are also welcome to bring your own.



Term bookings are priced at $10 per session and usually vary between $80 for the shorter 8 week terms and $110 for an 11 week term.

Limited casual places may be available, when classes are not booked out with term bookings. Casual bookings are priced at $15, and are only available after term commences, if the classes are not booked out. Scroll down on the registration page to register for individual sessions, and please contact us if you would like to be notified if these places become available.

In order to secure your place in the course, please pay at the start of the term.


Location - Eureka Centre

The Gentle Yoga sessions are held in the Tower Room at Eureka Centre Ballarat, Stawell Street North. Please note, this is not the historic Eureka Hall which is up the hill, closer to Eureka Pool, rather the large, modern building. As the Eureka Centre is not open until 10.00 am, please enter through the side entrance closest to the cafe and head through the cafe to the Tower Room.

We would like to thank the Eureka Centre Ballarat team for making this space available to the Ballarat East Neighbourhood House for this activity. We are very grateful for their support.



Please use the link above to register for the Gentle Yoga courses.

There is a limit of 10 places available for each of these courses.


About Kate

Kate began learning yoga in 1998, regular practice eventually inspired her to undertake teacher training in 2020.

She is deeply interested in the emotional benefits of yoga and how to use yoga together with a trauma-informed approach to calm, to heal and to open ourselves to new possibilities and purpose. How can we stay curious about ourselves in this practice?

Kate includes the 8 limbs of Yoga in her practice and integrates these throughout her teaching practice:

  1. Yama (how we conduct ourselves in the world)
  2. Niyama (how we treat ourselves)
  3. Asana (Poses)
  4. Pranayama (Breathing)
  5. Pratyahara (Withdrawal of the Senses)
  6. Dharana (Concentration)
  7. Dhyana (Meditation)
  8. Samadhi (Enlightenment)

Kate promotes regular practice (abhyasa) without attachment to outcomes (vairagya) allowing students to experience improved flexibility and mobility, reduced tension and greater self-awareness. She gently guides students and encourages them to practice in a way that is kind, non-violent (ahimsa), compassionate and appropriate for themselves today – taking into account energy levels, injuries, emotions and current life circumstances.  

Find out more about Kate on her website.


Conditions of participation

  • Please read the Ballarat East Neighbourhood House Activity Terms and Conditions. You will be asked to agree to these upon registration for this class.
  • All participants in Ballarat East Neighbourhood House activities must follow the current Statewide COVID-Safe principles.
  • If you are feeling unwell and/or have cold/flu symptoms please do not come to the activity.
  • Please sanitise your hands upon entry to and exit from Barkly Square and the Eureka Centre. Hand sanitiser will be available.
  • Keep at least 1.5 metres from other people in the activity.
  • Bring your own drink bottle. The cafe at the Eureka Centre will be closed before the 7.45 am classes, but may be open if you would like to purchase hot drinks and food after your class.
  • Arrive 5-10 minutes before the activity starts to allow time to complete any paperwork.
  • If you have any injuries or issues which may affect your ability to partipate fully in the activity, please arrive early and discuss with Kate.
  • Turn off your phone/digital devices and store your possessions in the room.
  • A maximum of 10 participants will be able to take part in each class.
  • Tickets are not transferable.


Please call Ballarat East Neighbourhood House on 0422 612 052 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you are having trouble booking or paying for this activity, we are very happy to find a solution that will work as we want everyone interested to be able to participate.